Version 1.0.1 has released!


  • Changed the splash screen to be the one used in PBJ.

  • The game now incorperates the language system from MBA and PBJ.
  • You can now click Valentine in the menu.

  • Optimized the way Valentine's graphics are loaded.

  • Changed the window titles to be less shitty
  • Changed something about Quickie. I don't know how to word it, so trust me dude.

  • Fixed a bug where if you picked up the crystal in front of the gate and had all other crystals, the gate wouldn't open until you reloaded the room

  • The background in the boss fight now tints itself red in the second phase.

  • The non-feather-circle attacks now speed up in the boss's second phase.

  • You now get healed after beating the boss. It's not helpful, but it looks cleaner.

  • The transition from the final room to the ending is much more seemless.

  • Fixed a bug where you could restart the credits by clicking the bottom-right corner of the screen.

  • The credits now show your stats when finished instead of closing the game.


VBQ Reborn 39 MB
5 days ago

Get Valentine's Birthday Quest [REBORN]

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